Vicious - V.E. Schwab

This was a less serious book than the ones I’ve read before. I have read several fiction books but none like this (supernatural/fantasy). The best thing about this book was the author’s way of writing. It was crystal clear, easy to understand and very unique. The reader got to know about two different times at the same time, alternating every chapter. There was a 12 year gap in every alternate chapter at the beginning and the story in both seemed to lead to the other. It was very addictive once I started reading it seriously. The book can be finished in a couple of days.

The way of writing was good, wish I could say the same about the story though. It was addictive at first, when the protagonists were trying to accomplish their goal, but as it progressed, it started getting a bit too simple. There wasn’t much suspense in the final showdown. The last chapter was good though. Wasn’t expecting that to happen, but was a nice surprise.

Would I recommend someone to read it? Maybe. If you want a short and a bit addictive read but with some lack of satisfaction at the end, then this is your jam.

Rating - 6.5/10

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